Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Highs and Lows or Love...

Ladies have you ever notice that when you play the game the way you intended everything goes as planned but then you start to switch it up, feelings start to get involved and next thing you know shit is all messed up! wonder what I'm talking about? I'm talking about that person that you intended to be "just hanging out with" then you start to notice that you are falling for them. Falling so hard and so fast that you can barely keep up. This person has the ability to make you feel so high. But the only problem with high is you have to take the lows with that high. Those lows can feel like no other. Those lows are the worse ever because if you haven't built the connection with this person you cant come back from most of these lows. This ties into my last blog of casually dating someone or getting played. When you are seeing someone whether it be for companionship or just sex when do you know when to call it quits. I say when feelings start to get involved and you realize that its going no where. In this situation the only one who gets hurt is you. You put your feelings out there and now there susceptible to getting hurt. When you are not in a relationship with this person some feelings and thoughts should be kept to yourself. Only when you feel like the other person is feeling you just as much as your feeling them then you speak up. Somethings are not worth messing up. Leave well enough alone but don't allow yourself to be broken down in the process.

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